Category: people business

Press: iD Tech Updated Success Story

So grateful to iD Tech (Programming Academy) for the kind words and update of my story with them. iD Tech has had one of the greatest impacts on my career and I would recommend them to anyone looking to spend a summer learning about or teaching others about Software Engineering. To learn more about iD and read about my experience with them check out the updated story over at iDTech‘s site.

A challenge to the insecure entrepreneur: You gave me my career

I get it. Being an entrepreneur can be discouraging. In fact, it can very often end up costing you everything you own. Family and friends may not understand the reasons you pursue the things you do. They don’t see the vision, the greater picture. People say you’re crazy. My word to anyone who is discouraged with where they are at, overwhelmed with finances, or any other worries that have come your way because you chose to pursue your dreams is this: You gave me a career. The reason I can work a salary based Software Engineering position today and provide...