Category: socialmedia

PUC – Personal Universal Communicator

Once again, Christmas has come and gone. I’ve been working all year to deliver on the Universal communications app aimed at not just the accessibility community but to everyone. We want the PUC project to be the end all be all for communications. We have so much room to improve (who doesn’t?) but we want to share our work with the world. From being one of the first to implement the new FCC mandated real time text, to high quality video, HD voice, multi-media messaging and more, PUC is the ultimate communications platform. Having been the Sr. Software Engineer for...

Raspberry Pi’s, Photons, and the magical world of Computer Engineering

Very often we can find ourselves in a career rut no matter the industry. We do the same things, learn similar skills to what we know, and are far too frightened to branch out to try something new. As a means of fighting complacency I’ve wanted for a long time to jump into the world of microcontrollers / hardware, but there has always appeared to be such a high barrier to entry. This article is for the Software Engineer who has been unsure of the hardware world but has an interest in giving it a go. My goal though this...

Press: iD Tech Updated Success Story

So grateful to iD Tech (Programming Academy) for the kind words and update of my story with them. iD Tech has had one of the greatest impacts on my career and I would recommend them to anyone looking to spend a summer learning about or teaching others about Software Engineering. To learn more about iD and read about my experience with them check out the updated story over at iDTech‘s site.

A challenge to the insecure entrepreneur: You gave me my career

I get it. Being an entrepreneur can be discouraging. In fact, it can very often end up costing you everything you own. Family and friends may not understand the reasons you pursue the things you do. They don’t see the vision, the greater picture. People say you’re crazy. My word to anyone who is discouraged with where they are at, overwhelmed with finances, or any other worries that have come your way because you chose to pursue your dreams is this: You gave me a career. The reason I can work a salary based Software Engineering position today and provide...

Google Play: DropPin v1.5 out now!

What’s new? – Optimized location services (should remove any battery drain) – Added anonymous pin mode (classic) – Added popup window to save six pins – Context dialog to rename pins via long click – Context dialog to choose between navigation or deleting pins – Link to developer site (hire me!) Available on now Google Play.

Three solutions for Multi-Platform Application Development

As the tech / mobile age continues to advance forward, more entrepreneurs are hiring devs to push out the latest and greatest mobile app ideas. Anyone who releases a product wants to reach as many consumers as possible. For us developers, that often means developing the same app multiple times for different platform architectures. To make things as simple as possible I’ve written up three options that can drastically reduce multi-platform development time.   AngularJS / Web App with Native Device Wrapper or PhoneGap Interface Component Design w/ Injection Framework Microsoft Azure / Active Directory For All Platforms   AngularJS is...

The Hour of Code is here

Hour of code has been pushing STEM education forward and raising up the next generation of STEM innovators. Anyone ages 4 – 104 can understand coding. You never know if you’ll find your passion. Give it one hour!

Should Google Run a City?

Interesting write up. Technology is already in the hands of just about every American citizen. Could this be the future? Read more…

Projects Page Updated

For anyone interested in looking at actual code that I’ve written, feel free to head over to my Projects and check it out. The two projects I’ve added were never completed products, but offer insight into my development process and the logic behind every line of code I write. With each passing day I’m always trying to make my code look better and better.

LinkedIn experience / Resume updated

LinkedIn Profile I’ve begun to post a bit of my personal life here on my site, but this space is primarily to advertise me as a person. Not only am I Software Engineer, but I enjoy music and a wide variety of other things. These are not mutually exclusive in my book. When I walk into my job I’m there to work, I’m held responsible to my work, and the greatest priority is my work. With that said, I believe every area of life should be experienced in color. If hired, you’re going to get a colorful, smiling individual who...