Category: Uncategorized

Press: iD Tech Updated Success Story

So grateful to iD Tech (Programming Academy) for the kind words and update of my story with them. iD Tech has had one of the greatest impacts on my career and I would recommend them to anyone looking to spend a summer learning about or teaching others about Software Engineering. To learn more about iD and read about my experience with them check out the updated story over at iDTech‘s site.

Android Tools: Simple HTTP RESTful requests using Volley

For as long as I can remember Android leveraged AsyncTask’s and HttpUrlConnection’s to perform network operations. The reason for this being is that any synchronous tasks performed on the UI thread would cause an application to hang until a response was returned. All of this extra code was a complete hassle and simply added unnecessary time to development. Google has made every Android developer’s life easier now by introducing the Volley maven library. Volley completely does away with all of Android’s woes, worries, and frustrations when performing HTTP requests. At a high level, http requests are wrapped in a Request...

Android: Merge Sort Visualizer – One Million Integers

After getting back from Stanford’s iD Tech Programming Academy yesterday I thought I might try improving some of my own projects instead on working on others for a change. I took to my old Merge Sort Visualizer for Android and decided to optimize rendering, threading, improve random seeding, and more. After all of my optimizations, sorting a million integers is no longer an exhaustive task for the renderer. To do this I made the following changes to my code: Cut off rendering for any objects off screen (duh!) Added boolean flags during generation and sorting to avoid null pointer exceptions Thread blocking that...

Three solutions for Multi-Platform Application Development

As the tech / mobile age continues to advance forward, more entrepreneurs are hiring devs to push out the latest and greatest mobile app ideas. Anyone who releases a product wants to reach as many consumers as possible. For us developers, that often means developing the same app multiple times for different platform architectures. To make things as simple as possible I’ve written up three options that can drastically reduce multi-platform development time.   AngularJS / Web App with Native Device Wrapper or PhoneGap Interface Component Design w/ Injection Framework Microsoft Azure / Active Directory For All Platforms   AngularJS is...